# Contents

As a developer and open source maintainer, I've faced countless challenges in my career. But one hurdle consistently stood out, gnawing at my productivity and that of countless others: the perpetual struggle with development environments.

This wasn't just a minor annoyance; it was a vision-blocking obstacle that I knew needed to be overcome.

This realization became the driving force behind my work on Daytona, an open source project aimed at standardizing and simplifying development environments. Our vision? A world where your repo "just runs" - no matter who's using it or where it's being run.

Imagine waking up, grabbing your coffee, and sitting down to code. You pull the latest changes from your team's repository, and within seconds, you're writing code. No fuss, no muss - just pure, productive coding bliss.

This isn't a fantasy. It's the reality for developers who've embraced standardized environments. When your repo "just works," your entire workflow transforms:

  1. Productivity Skyrockets: Gone are the days of spending your first hour troubleshooting environment issues. You dive straight into solving real problems, making those morning hours count.

  2. Seamless Context Switching: Juggling multiple projects? No problem. Switching contexts is as simple as opening a new window. Your brain stays in problem-solving mode, not setup mode.

  3. Fearless Experimentation: Want to try a wild new approach? Spin up a fresh environment in seconds. If things go south, just tear it down and start over. No risk to your main setup.

  4. Code Reviews Become a Breeze: Reviewing a colleague's PR? One command, and you're running their exact setup. No more "works on my machine" debates.

  5. Onboarding New Team Members is a Snap: New developer joining the team? They're up and running before lunch on their first day, contributing meaningful code instead of battling setup scripts.

  6. Open Source Contributions Flow: Found a bug in an open source project you use? With a standardized environment, you can jump in, fix it, and submit a PR faster than you can say "git commit."

  7. Focus on What Matters: With environment headaches eliminated, you can pour your mental energy into solving the interesting problems - the ones you actually got into coding to tackle.

When your repo just works, you're not just saving time. You're reducing stress, fostering collaboration, and creating space for innovation. It's about removing the invisible tax that environment setup places on every task.

This is the promise of standardized development environments. It's not just about making life easier (though it certainly does that). It's about unlocking the full potential of every developer on your team.

So, how does life look when your repo just works? In a word: liberating. It's development as it should be - focused, efficient, and dare we say, fun.

Are you ready to experience this for yourself?

This vision of frictionless development environments isn't just a dream - it's becoming reality through initiatives like devcontainer.ai, an AI-powered tool that automatically generates development container configurations, bringing us one step closer to a world where code truly "just runs".

  • just-runs
  • sde
  • dem
  • cde