# Contents

For far too long, we've accepted an absurd reality in software development: the chasm between writing code and actually running it.

At Daytona, we've heard from countless developers worldwide, all echoing the same frustration. Brilliant ideas wither on the vine, suffocated by the complexities of environment setup and compatibility issues. It's time to shatter this paradigm and usher in an era where code truly just runs.

The Harsh Truth: We've Built Walls Around Our Creativity

Let's face the harsh truth: we've been complicit in building walls around our creativity. We've fallen short even in the open-source world, where sharing code is the very foundation. Making code available wasn't enough – we failed to ensure a seamless path to execution. The result? A landscape littered with half-started projects, abandoned contributions, and innovations that never saw the light of day.

This isn't just inefficiency; it's a creativity killer of epic proportions.

The Vision: A World Where Code Simply Runs

Imagine a world where any piece of software, any snippet of code, simply runs. No more wrestling with conflicting dependencies. No more hours lost to environment configuration. No more "it works on my machine" nightmares. Just pure, unbridled creation.

This isn't a pipe dream. It's the future we must build – a future where coding's power is accessible to all, not just a select few with the patience to navigate our self-imposed labyrinths.

The Cost of Complexity

The cost of our current approach is staggering. Our research shows developers waste up to 56% of their productive time on environment setup and maintenance. That's not just lost time; it's lost innovation, competitive edge, and opportunities to solve real-world problems.

But the impact goes beyond mere efficiency. Our complex development environments create barriers to entry, stifling diversity and limiting the pool of potential contributors. How many brilliant minds have we turned away because the path to running code felt like scaling an insurmountable wall?

The Solution: Automate the Configuration

It's time for a shift in our thinking. Imagine checking out a repository and having it run instantly without any manual intervention. No more poring over lengthy readme files or following convoluted setup steps. Instead, developers can focus on what truly matters: creating value through code.

At Daytona, we've taken two principles as our North Star in this journey: KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and "Don't Make Me Think." These aren't just catchy phrases; they're the bedrock of our approach to solving this problem. We believe that the best solutions are those that simplify complexity, not add to it. Our goal is to create a development environment so intuitive that developers don't have to think about it – they can simply focus on their code.

Enter devcontainer.ai

To bring our vision of instant-run software to life, we developed devcontainer.ai, an AI-powered tool that automatically generates development container configurations.

The core of this system is built on a Python backend using FastHTML for rapid prototyping, Instructor library for structured outputs, and Azure OpenAI for natural language processing. We implemented a custom prompt engineering approach, crafting detailed instructions for the AI model to analyze repository structures and generate appropriate devcontainer.json files. This process involves parsing GitHub repository contents, identifying key files and dependencies, and synthesizing this information into a coherent context for the AI to work with.

We utilize Supabase for data persistence, storing generated configurations and their associated metadata and Railway for production deployment. Error handling and validation are crucial components, with JSON schema validation ensuring that all generated configurations adhere to the official devcontainer specification.

This represents our commitment to exploring innovative solutions that align with our "code just runs" philosophy.


The Future We Envision

The future we envision is one where individual with a brilliant idea can bring it to life without battling arcane setup processes. Where a seasoned developer can contribute to multiple projects in a day without context-switching headaches. Where innovation flows freely, unencumbered by the artificial barriers we've built around our craft.

The Open Run Manifesto: A Call to Action

This is the essence of the Open Run Manifesto. It's more than just a vision; it's a rallying cry for a fundamental shift in how we approach software development. We declare:

  1. Code should run instantly, anywhere, for anyone.

  2. Development environments must be self-configuring and self-maintaining.

  3. The barrier between writing code and running it must be eliminated.

  4. AI should handle complexity, freeing developers to focus on creation.

  5. Open source must evolve to include not just code, but the entire runtime environment.

  6. Innovation should never be hindered by setup processes or compatibility issues.

  7. The global developer community must unite to make this vision a reality.

This manifesto is a call to arms for every developer, every tech leader, and every innovator who believes in the transformative power of code. Let's build a world where code isn't just open source but free to be used by anyone with an idea.

Will you join us in making instant-run software a reality for all?

  • justrun
  • opensource
  • devcontainer
  • ai