AUG 21 2024 // 3 min read

Daytona Community Hours #9

In our recent office hours (#9), we discussed the latest development news on Daytona. Even though we haven't had a new release yet, there are some interesting features and fixes we are working on, and looking forward to merging them.

  • Pre-Builds: Speed up development

  • Fixes: Recent bug fixes

  • Contributions: Contribute and win bounties


A couple of weeks back we introduced a major feature called Project Configs. They allow users to define project configurations in advance and use them when creating workspaces in the future. They contain the relevant repository and build information, environment variables which are then used by default whenever a project with the specified repository is created.

Project Configs are part of a bigger effort to incorporate pre-builds which will let users set up "ready-to-go" builds and spend less time waiting for their development environments to be ready. The documentation for the project config can be found here.

Prebuilds are a way to speed up development. They work by setting a project configuration to listen for changes in the underlying repository. Whenever necessary, a build is run to keep everything up to date. This ensures that when a user wants to create a project and start working, the creation process is much quicker.

The user can then decide on a commit interval after which a build should be triggered and any specific trigger files whose changes should immediately start the build process. Prebuilds is still under development, but it is almost ready to be merged.

Recent Fixes

We discussed some of the recent bug fixes:

Contribute and Win Bounties

We encourage you to submit issues if you encountered any and to contribute to Daytona open-source to win bounties. If you have any questions, ask us at our community slack.

Watch our office hours video on YouTube:

other updates
