# Contents

We're excited to announce the release of our DigitalOcean Provider for Daytona! 

This new integration allows you to create and manage Daytona workspaces on DigitalOcean Droplets, bringing the simplicity and power of DigitalOcean to your development workflow.

There's no need to set up Droplets, add SSH keys, or configure remote connections with your IDE. Simply run the command and start coding right away.

Introducing the DigitalOcean Provider

The DigitalOcean Provider is a plugin that seamlessly integrates Daytona with DigitalOcean's cloud infrastructure. With this provider, you can:

  • Create development environment inside DigitalOcean Droplets

  • Manage the lifecycle of these workspaces effortlessly

  • Leverage DigitalOcean's straightforward and developer-friendly cloud platform

Setting Up the DigitalOcean Provider

Getting started with the DigitalOcean Provider is simple:

  • Run the following command:

1daytona provider install
  • Select digitalocean-provider from the list of available providers.

Daytona will install and configure the DigitalOcean Provider, which you can now use as a new target:

1daytona target set

Key Features

  • Droplet Management: Create, start, stop, and delete DigitalOcean Droplets directly through Daytona.

  • Flexible Configuration: Customize Droplet size, region, and other DigitalOcean-specific settings.

  • Integrated Security: Leverage DigitalOcean's security features within your Daytona workflow.

  • Scalability: Easily scale your development resources as your needs change.

Benefits of Using DigitalOcean with Daytona

  • Effortless Setup: One command sets up your entire DigitalOcean workspace, no manual configuration needed.

  • Time-Saving: Daytona handles everything behind the scenes.

  • Scalability on Demand: Easily adjust resources as your project grows.

  • Performance: Benefit from DigitalOcean's infrastructure for faster development.

  • Global Availability: Choose from multiple regions worldwide to reduce latency.

  • Cost-Effective: Take advantage of DigitalOcean's competitive pricing for your development needs.

Get Daytona from GitHub

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Getting Started

To start using the DigitalOcean Provider:

  1. Set up your DigitalOcean API token in Daytona.

  2. Create a new workspace using the DigitalOcean provider:

1daytona create --target my-do-target

Daytona will provision a Droplet and set up your workspace.

Use Cases

  • Intensive Use Cases: When your laptop's resources are insufficient for demanding tasks.

  • Web Development: Quickly spin up any stack environments.

  • Data Analysis: Create powerful workspaces for data processing and analysis.

What's Next?

We're committed to expanding our cloud provider options to give you more flexibility in your development workflow. Stay tuned for more integrations and features!

Stay tuned for our final announcement in this launch week series!

  • launch-week
  • day-6
  • open-source