# Contents

Competitions like CODE100 serve as crucibles of talent, pushing developers to their limits and showcasing the incredible skills that drive our digital world forward.

The 2024 edition of CODE100, building on the success of its predecessors, brought together some of the brightest minds in coding for an intense, high-stakes contest that captivated both participants and spectators alike.

As we've seen in previous years, CODE100 is more than just a competition—it's a celebration of the developer community's resilience, creativity, and problem-solving prowess. The event's unique format, combining rapid-fire coding challenges with on-stage performance, creates an electrifying atmosphere that pushes competitors to new heights of excellence.

CODE100 Berlin Champion Vladyslav Krasnolutskyi, photo by Ivana Spiridonovic
CODE100 Berlin Champion Vladyslav Krasnolutskyi, photo by Ivana Spiridonovic

This year's champion, Vladyslav Krasnolutskyi, emerged victorious from a field of formidable contenders, demonstrating not only technical skill but also the ability to thrive under intense pressure. In this exclusive interview, we delve into Vladyslav's experience, strategies, and insights gained from his triumphant journey through CODE100 2024.

The seamless performance of Daytona, set up in mere clicks, allowed me to focus entirely on the coding challenges.

The Victory and Initial Reactions

How does it feel to be crowned the CODE100 Ultimate Coding Champion 2024?

Being crowned the Ultimate Coding Champion 2024 at CODE100 is truly an incredible honor. I'm immensely proud of this achievement.

Competition Experience and Challenges

Can you walk us through your experience during the competition? What were the most challenging moments?

The competition pace was incredibly fast, moving rapidly from one round to the next. You don't have much time to take a break, and the environment constantly shifts — from answering Slido questions to collaborating with a freshly-assigned teammate, and back to Slido. The Slido rounds were particularly challenging for me because there was no room for error, unlike in the coding rounds. The pseudocode round was especially tough, with only 30 seconds per question.

Preparation and Strategy

How did you prepare for CODE100? Did you have any specific strategies or techniques you used during the competition?

What I find fascinating about CODE100 is that it doesn't require specific preparation beyond the basics. Of course, being skilled in solving competitive programming problems is valuable, but for the general knowledge round, you can't really prepare in advance. It's more about staying adaptable and being ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

Experience with Daytona

Daytona was used as the development environment for the competition. How did you find working with it under such high-pressure conditions?

Daytona worked seamlessly, which was most important. I set up the environment in just a few clicks and quickly forgot I was using an included web IDE instead of a local IDE. The key was that the IDE worked flawlessly, which was great and allowed me to concentrate on the coding.

The Final Challenge

Can you describe the final round? What was the challenge, and how did you approach solving it?

The challenge was to sort numbers represented as words alphabetically. While the problem itself wasn't overly complex, interpreting the wording and getting to the core of the task was a bit tricky. My approach was to enumerate the provided strings to map them to their corresponding numbers, then sort pairs and reduce them to numbers.

Managing Stress and Performance

How did you manage the stress of coding on stage in front of an audience?

Although the stage wasn't a natural setting for me, coding is. Thankfully, my focus shifted to the task at hand, and I entered a tunnel-vision state that allowed me to concentrate on what I enjoy and do best.

Lessons and Takeaways

What was your biggest takeaway from participating in CODE100?

Participating in CODE100 confirmed that I can dream big and achieve those dreams. It also reminded me that the world is full of opportunities, and it's up to each individual to embrace them.

Career Impact

How do you think winning this competition will impact your career moving forward?

While it's difficult to predict the exact impact, this experience has definitely encouraged me to pursue opportunities I might have previously hesitated to consider. It also adds significant proof to my portfolio, highlighting not just my coding skills but also my ability to perform under pressure and adapt quickly to changing conditions.

Advice for Future Participants

Do you have any advice for developers who might want to participate in future CODE100 competitions?

My advice is to be bold and take the plunge. The most important thing is to dare to challenge yourself. To compete with others, you first need to push your own boundaries and embrace the challenge.

Overcoming Doubts

Were there any moments during the competition where you felt you might not win? How did you overcome those doubts?

Yes, the pseudocode round was particularly challenging. I was initially too slow and missed answering the first question because I didn't fully grasp the 30-second time limit. I had to remind myself to accept the time constraints and adjust my approach.

Interactions with Other Competitors

The runner-up was Andre Ippisch. Did you get a chance to interact with him or other competitors? What was that experience like?

Yes, we had the opportunity to get to know each other a bit before the competition began. I was also on a team with Andre Ippisch in the second round. Collaborating with him was fantastic — having two minds working on a task is always beneficial, especially with someone as brilliant as Andre. Competing alongside such skilled individuals made the experience even more enjoyable.

Impact on the Developer Community

How do you think competitions like CODE100 contribute to the developer community?

CODE100 is a great showcase of how coding can be both fascinating and engaging. It reveals this often-overlooked perspective to a broader audience. I hope it serves as a confidence boost for competitors and an inspiration for viewers to explore and appreciate the exciting possibilities within the field of programming.

Future Plans

Now that you've won, what's next for you in your coding journey?

I'm open to new opportunities in my career and excited to explore different challenges. I also plan to release my personal project live and am motivated to give back to the community by mentoring aspiring coders and sharing my knowledge.

Suggestions for Improvement

Lastly, if you could change one thing about the CODE100 competition, what would it be and why?

I would love for CODE100 to happen more regularly so that more people can have the chance to experience it.


As CODE100 continues to evolve and inspire the next generation of coders, Vladyslav's story serves as a beacon of what's possible when skill meets opportunity. His emphasis on embracing challenges, staying focused under pressure, and leveraging familiar tools to tackle unfamiliar problems resonates deeply with the ethos of the modern software development landscape.

For those looking to follow in Vladyslav's footsteps, his advice is clear:

Be bold, push your boundaries, and never underestimate the power of a well-prepared mind in the face of daunting challenges.

Competitions like CODE100 remind us of the incredible human talent driving the tech progress—and the bright future that lies ahead for those willing to rise to the challenge.

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