
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its readability and ease of use. It was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python's syntax emphasizes code readability and simplicity, allowing developers to express concepts in fewer lines of code compared to languages like C++ or Java.

Python is widely used in various fields, including web development, data science, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and automation. Its extensive standard library and vibrant community contribute to its popularity, making it a go-to language for both beginners and experienced developers.


  • Readability: Python's syntax is designed to be intuitive and clean, making it easier to read and write.

  • Versatility: Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming.

  • Extensive Libraries: Python's standard library is rich, and there are many third-party libraries available for a wide range of applications.

  • Community Support: Python has a large and active community, offering extensive resources for learning and problem-solving.