Daemon mode, server config override, and bug fixes

Daemon mode, server config override, and bug fixes Daemon mode, server config override, and bug fixes


  • Server supports running as daemon

    This release introduces a new flag to start the Daytona server as a daemon. Run daytona server -d to start the server as a daemon, and daytona server start/daytona server stop to control the lifecycle.

  • Override server configuration using environment variables (#241)

    This release allows you to override Daytona's server configuration at runtime using environment variables. Setting configuration this way will override the values contained in Daytona's configuration file.


  • Default to home directory if Project directory does not exist (#237)

    This release fixes a case where daytona ssh would fail if the Project directory did not exist.

For more information on Daytona v0.6, refer to the GitHub release page.