Enhanced Workspace Management and Provider Optimization

Enhanced Workspace Management and Provider Optimization Enhanced Workspace Management and Provider Optimization

Daytona v0.29.0 brings significant enhancements to streamline your development workflow. The standout feature is the new workspace start prompt in the 'daytona code' command, allowing for seamless interaction with stopped projects. This addition improves user experience by providing a more intuitive way to manage your development environments.

This release also focuses on refining Git integration, particularly with Bitbucket. Improvements in branch handling and default branch settings ensure smoother version control operations. The update optimizes the project creation process by eliminating duplicate image pulling, resulting in faster setup times and a more efficient workflow.

Provider updates are a key highlight of this release. The Docker, AWS, and DigitalOcean providers have been updated to improve project creation speed. Users are encouraged to update their providers using 'daytona provider update' to benefit from these enhancements and ensure optimal performance in their development environments.


  • Added workspace start prompt in 'daytona code' for stopped projects

  • Implemented IDE tracking in telemetry events for project opening and IDE usage

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Bitbucket default branch setting

  • Improved permission checking using 'open' instead of 'stat'

  • Moved 'include daytona config' to the first line

  • Removed obsolete provider flag from create command

  • Eliminated duplicate image pulling on project creation

  • Corrected branch fetching options for Bitbucket

  • Added timeout to get workspace info from provider


  • Improved handling and logging of missing project config on repository creation

  • Fixed multi-workspace select marking

  • Added verbose argument to get workspace info

  • Updated DigitalOcean Provider to v0.1.5, addressing issues with stopping and destroying workspaces