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Organizations in Daytona are a way to group resources and easily collaborate with other users. Users in an Organization, depending on their permissions, view and manage the same set of key resources such as Sandboxes, Images and Registries, as well as consume the same quotas for these resources.

After signing up to Daytona, users are assigned a Personal Organization. This default Organization cannot take new members and cannot be deleted. It has separate billing and will most commonly be used as a testing playground or by solo developers. Switching between organizations is done by selecting an option from the dropdown menu on the top of the sidebar.

Organization Roles

Users within an Organization can have one of two different Roles: Owner and Member. Owners have full administrative access to the Organization and its resources. Members have no administrative access to the Organization, while their access to Organization resources is based on Assignments.

Administrative Actions

Organization Owners can perform administrative actions such as:

  • Invite new users to the Organization
  • Manage pending invitations
  • Change Role of a user in the Organization
  • Update Assignments for an Organization Member
  • Remove user from the Organization
  • Delete Organization

Inviting New Users

As an Organization Owner, to invite a new user to your Organization, navigate to the Members page, click on Invite Member, enter the email address of the user you want to invite, and choose a Role. If you select the Member role, you can also define their Assignments.

Available Assignments

The list of available Assignments includes:

Viewer (required)Grants read access to all resources in the organization
DeveloperGrants the ability to create sandboxes and keys in the organization
Sandboxes AdminGrants admin access to sandboxes in the organization
Images AdminGrants admin access to images in the organization
Registries AdminGrants admin access to registries in the organization
Super AdminGrants full access to all resources in the organization

Managing Invitations

To view their pending invitations to join other Organizations, users can navigate to the Invitations page by expanding the dropdown at the bottom of the sidebar, and clicking on Invitations. Once a user accepts an invitation to join an Organization, they get access to resource quotas assigned to that Organization and they may proceed by issuing a new API key and creating sandboxes.