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Language Server Protocol

The Daytona SDK provides Language Server Protocol (LSP) support through Sandbox instances. This enables advanced language features like code completion, diagnostics, and more.

Creating LSP Servers

Daytona SDK provides an option to create LSP servers using Python and TypeScript.

from daytona_sdk import Daytona, LspLanguageId
# Create Sandbox
daytona = Daytona()
sandbox = daytona.create()
# Create LSP server for Python
lsp_server = sandbox.create_lsp_server(

Supported Languages

Daytona SDK provides an option to create LSP servers for various languages through the LspLanguageId enum in Python and TypeScript.

from daytona_sdk import LspLanguageId
# Available language IDs
  • LspLanguageId.PYTHON: Python language server.
  • LspLanguageId.TYPESCRIPT: TypeScript/JavaScript language server.

LSP Features

Daytona SDK provides various LSP features for code analysis and editing.

Code Completion

Daytona SDK provides an option to get code completions for a specific position in a file using Python and TypeScript.

completions = lsp_server.completions(
position={"line": 10, "character": 15}
print(f"Completions: {completions}")