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The Daytona Server is a daemon that runs on your machine and handles Workspaces related actions. It provides capabilities for starting, configuring, and stopping server operations. The primary method of interacting with the server is through the Daytona CLI. Users can also interact with the Daytona Server using its HTTP interface.

Start the Server

Run the following command to start the Daytona Server:

Terminal window
daytona server start

Upon running this command, Daytona will start the The Daytona Server daemon.

Starting the Daytona Server daemon...

Configure the Server

The Daytona Server configuration is located in different directories depending on your operating system.

  • On macOS, the configuration file is located at:

    ~/Library/Application\ Support/daytona/server/config.json

  • On Linux, the configuration file is located at:


  • On Windows, the configuration file is located at:


The Daytona Server configuration can be viewed by using the following command across all operating systems:

Terminal window
daytona server config

The Daytona Server configuration contains the following properties:

  • Server ID

    A unique identifier for the Daytona server instance.

    Example: 12a34bc5-d67e-890f-1gh2-34i5jk6l7m89


    The URL endpoint for the Daytona API.


    The API URL property cannot be manually edited, but you can use it to connect to Daytona with other clients.

  • API Port

    The port number on which the Daytona API is accessible.

    Example: 3986

    If you have something running on port 3986, you can change it to a port that you have available.

  • Default Project Image

    The default Docker image used for projects.

    Example: daytonaio/workspace-project:latest

    The Default Project Image property can be manually edited to use a different default project image.

  • Default Project User

    The default user for projects.

    Example: daytona

    The Default Project User property can be manually edited to use a different default project user.

  • FRPS Domain

    The domain used by the FRP (Fast Reverse Proxy) server.


    The FRPS Domain property can be manually edited to use a different FRP domain.

  • FRPS Port

    The port used by the FRP (Fast Reverse Proxy) server.

    Example: 7000

    The FRPS Port property can be manually edited to use a different FRP port.

  • FRPS Protocol

    The protocol used by the FRP (Fast Reverse Proxy) server.

    Example: https

    The FRPS Protocol property can be manually edited to use a different FRP protocol.

  • Headscale Port

    The port number for the Headscale service.

    Example: 3987

    The Headscale Port property can be manually edited to use a different Headscale port.

  • Binaries Path

    The directory path where server binaries are stored.

    Example: /Users/Library/Application Support/daytona/server/binaries

    The Binaries Path directory will be created if it does not exist, and the property can be manually edited to use a different binaries path.

  • Log File Path

    The directory path where server logs are stored.

    Example: /Users/Library/Application Support/daytona/server/daytona.log

    The Log File Path file will be created if it does not exist, and the property can be manually edited to use a different log file path.

  • Builder Image

    The Docker image used by the local builder.

    Example: daytonaio/workspace-project:latest

    The Builder Image property can be manually edited to use a different builder image.

  • Local Builder Registry Port

    The port number for the local builder registry.

    Example: 3988

    The Local Builder Registry Port property is only displayed if the Builder Registry is set to local. It can be manually edited to use a different local builder registry port.

  • Local Builder Registry Image

    The registry image used by the local builder registry.

    Example: registry:2.3.8

    The Local Builder Registry Image property is only displayed if the Builder Registry is set to local. It can be manually edited to use a different local builder registry image.

  • Build Image Namespace

    The namespace for build images. This is used to organize and manage images within a specific scope.

    Example: daytona

    The Build Image Namespace property can be manually edited to use a different build image namespace.

  • Providers Dir

    The directory path where provider configuration is stored.

    Example: /Users/Library/Application Support/daytona/providers

  • Registry URL

    The URL for the Daytona registry.


  • Server Download URL

    The URL for downloading the Daytona server.


The Daytona Server configuration can be manually edited by using the following command:

Terminal window
daytona server configure
Providers Directory
Directory will be created if it does not exist
> /Users/Library/Application Support/daytona/providers
Providers Directory
> /Users/Library/Application Support/daytona/providers
Registry URL
Server Download URL
Default Project Image
> daytonaio/workspace-project:latest
Default Project User
> daytona
Builder Image
Image dependencies: docker, @devcontainers/cli (node package)
> daytonaio/workspace-project:latest
Builder Registry
To add options, add a container registry with 'daytona cr set'
> Local registry managed by Daytona
Build Image Namespace
Namespace to be used when tagging and pushing build images
Local Builder Registry Port
> 3988
Local Builder Registry Image
> registry:0.0.0
API Port
> 3986
Headscale Port
> 3987
Binaries Path
Directory will be created if it does not exist
> /Users/Library/Application Support/daytona/server/binaries
Log File Path
File will be created if it does not exist
> /Users/Library/Application Support/daytona/server/daytona.log
Frps Domain
Frps Port
> 7000
Frps Protocol
> https

Upon successful configuration, Daytona will validate the settings and ensure all specified directories and files are correctly set up, preparing the server for optimal operation.

Server configuration updated. You need to restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Use the daytona server restart command to restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Restart the Server

Run the following command to restart the Daytona Server:

Terminal window
daytona server restart

Upon running this command, Daytona will automatically stop and start The Daytona Server daemon.

Stopping the Daytona Server daemon...
Starting the Daytona Server daemon...
Daytona Server daemon restarted successfully

Stop the Server

Run the following command to stop the Daytona Server:

Terminal window
daytona server stop

Upon running this command, Daytona will stop the Daytona Server daemon.

Stopping the Daytona Server daemon...