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Agent Toolbox

The Agent Toolbox enables you to interact with the Workspace programmatically by providing a Workspace Toolbox API to perform various operations within the Workspace environment.

The Workspace Toolbox API provides file system, Git, and process operations, allowing you to manage files, execute Git commands, and run processes within the Workspace.

File System Operations

Daytona provides an option to interact with the Workspace file system programmatically using the Workspace Toolbox API. The API provides the following file system operations:

List Files

Daytona provides an option to list files in the Workspace using the GET HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files endpoint.

The API returns a list of files and directories present in the Workspace.

Delete Files

Daytona provides an option to delete files in the Workspace using the DELETE HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files endpoint.

The API deletes the specified file or directory from the Workspace.

Create Folder

Daytona provides an option to create a new folder in the Workspace using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/createfolder endpoint.

The API creates a new folder with the specified name in the Workspace.

Download Files

Daytona provides an option to download files from the Workspace using the GET HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/download endpoint.

The API downloads the specified file from the Workspace.

Find Files

Daytona provides an option to find files in the Workspace using the GET HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/find endpoint.

The API searches for files with the specified name in the Workspace.

Files Information

Daytona provides an option to get information about files in the Workspace using the GET HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/info endpoint.

The API returns information about the specified file in the Workspace.

Move Files

Daytona provides an option to move files in the Workspace using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/move endpoint.

The API moves the specified file to the specified destination in the Workspace.

File Permissions

Daytona provides an option to set file permissions in the Workspace using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/permissions endpoint.

The API sets the specified permissions for the specified file in the Workspace.

Replace Files

Daytona provides an option to replace files in the Workspace using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/replace endpoint.

The API replaces the specified file with the specified content in the Workspace.

Search Files

Daytona provides an option to search for files in the Workspace using the GET HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/search endpoint.

The API searches for files with the specified content in the Workspace.

Upload Files

Daytona provides an option to upload files to the Workspace using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/upload endpoint.

The API uploads the specified file to the Workspace.

Git Operations

Daytona provides an option to interact with the Workspace Git repository programmatically using the Workspace Toolbox API. The API provides the following Git operations:

Add Files

Daytona provides an option to add files to the Workspace Git repository using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/add endpoint.

The API adds the specified files to the Git repository.

List Branches

Daytona provides an option to list branches in the Workspace Git repository using the GET HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/branches endpoint.

The API returns a list of branches present in the Git repository.

Create Branch

Daytona provides an option to create a new branch in the Workspace Git repository using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/createbranch endpoint.

The API creates a new branch with the specified name in the Git repository.

Clone Repository

Daytona provides an option to clone a Git repository into the Workspace using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/clone endpoint.

The API clones the specified Git repository into the Workspace.

Commit Changes

Daytona provides an option to commit changes to the Workspace Git repository using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/commit endpoint.

The API commits the changes to the Git repository with the specified message.

Commit History

Daytona provides an option to get the commit history of the Workspace Git repository using the GET HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/history endpoint.

The API returns the commit history of the Git repository.

Pull Changes

Daytona provides an option to pull changes from the remote Git repository into the Workspace using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/pull endpoint.

The API pulls the changes from the remote repository into the Workspace.

Push Changes

Daytona provides an option to push changes from the Workspace Git repository to the remote repository using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/push endpoint.

The API pushes the changes from the Workspace to the remote repository.

Git Status

Daytona provides an option to get the status of the Workspace Git repository using the GET HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/status endpoint.

The API returns the status of the Git repository.

Language Server Protocol (LSP)

Daytona provides an option to interact with the Language Server Protocol (LSP) programmatically using the Workspace Toolbox API. The API provides the following LSP operations:

LSP Completions

Daytona provides an option to get completions for the specified text using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/completions endpoint.

The API returns completions for the specified text.

LSP DidClose

Daytona provides an option to notify the Language Server that a file has been closed using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/didclose endpoint.

The API notifies the Language Server that the specified file has been closed.

LSP DidOpen

Dayjsona provides an option to notify the Language Server that a file has been opened using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/didopen endpoint.

The API notifies the Language Server that the specified file has been opened.

LSP Document Symbols

Daytona provides an option to get document symbols for the specified text using the GET HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/documentsymbols endpoint.

The API returns document symbols for the specified text.

Start LSP Server

Daytona provides an option to start the Language Server using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/start endpoint.

The API starts the Language Server in the Workspace.

Stop LSP Server

Daytona provides an option to stop the Language Server using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/stop endpoint.

The API stops the Language Server in the Workspace.

Workspace Symbols

Daytona provides an option to get Workspace symbols for the specified text using the GET HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/workspacesymbols endpoint.

The API returns Workspace symbols for the specified text.

Process Operations

Daytona provides an option to interact with the Workspace processes programmatically using the Workspace Toolbox API. The API provides the following process operations:

Execute Command

Daytona provides an option to execute a command in the Workspace using the POST HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/execute endpoint.

The API executes the specified command in the Workspace.

Project Directory

Daytona provides an option to interact with the Project directory programmatically using the Workspace Toolbox API. The API provides the following Project directory operations:

Get Project Directory

Daytona provides an option to get the Project directory path using the GET HTTP method on the /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/projectdir endpoint.

The API returns the path of the Project directory in the Workspace.