The Daytona SDK provides built-in Git support through the git module in Workspaces. This guide covers all available Git operations and best practices.
Basic Operations
Daytona SDK provides an option to clone, check status, and manage Git repositories in Workspaces. You can interact with Git repositories using the git module.
Cloning Repositories
Daytona SDK provides an option to clone Git repositories into Workspaces. You can clone public or private repositories, specific branches, and authenticate using personal access tokens.
Repository Status
Daytona SDK provides an option to check the status of Git repositories in Workspaces. You can get the current branch, modified files, staged files, and untracked files.
Branch Operations
Daytona SDK provides an option to manage branches in Git repositories. You can create, switch, and delete branches.
Managing Branches
Staging and Committing
Daytona SDK provides an option to stage and commit changes in Git repositories. You can stage specific files, all changes, and commit with a message.
Working with Changes
Remote Operations
Daytona SDK provides an option to work with remote repositories in Git. You can push changes, pull changes, and list remotes.