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Target Configurations

A Target Configuration refers to the specific destination or environment where your development setup, facilitated by various Providers, is deployed and managed. Providers define the method and technology used to create your environments, while Targets Configurations specify the precise location or platform where these environments will reside.

A Target Configuration can be a local machine, a remote server, or a cloud instance, and it can vary based on the chosen Provider. Target Configurations offer the flexibility to deploy and manage environments across different platforms and accounts, all within the unified interface provided by Daytona.

Once you add your Target Configuration, it becomes available for selection whenever you create a new development environment in Daytona. You can create multiple Target Configurations, list existing ones, or delete those you no longer need.

Create a Target Configuration

Daytona provides an option to create a Target Configuration to use when managing Workspaces.

  1. Run the following command to create a Target Configuration:
Terminal window
daytona target-config create
  1. Select the appropriate Provider for the environment you want to deploy to.
Choose a provider
7 items
  1. Enter a name for your Target Configuration.
Target Config Name
  1. Enter the appropriate configuration options when prompted. The configuration options vary based on the selected Provider. The following example shows adding a remote Docker Target Configuration.
Remote Hostname
Remote Password
Remote Port
Remote User
Note: non-root user required
Sock Path
> /var/run/docker.sock
Workspace Data Dir
The directory on the remote host where the workspace data will be stored
> /tmp/daytona-data
Remote Private Key Path
Custom path
  1. Click Enter to confirm adding the Target Configuration.
Target Config <target_config> created successfully

List Target Configurations

Daytona provides an option to keep track of your Target Configurations by listing all previously created Target Configurations with their details.

  1. Run the following command to list currently set Target Configurations:
Terminal window
daytona target-config list

Upon running this command, Daytona will display a list of your Target Configurations with their details. You will be able to see the Target Configuration name, the Provider it is connected to, and its configured Runner.

Target Provider Runner
local docker-provider local

Delete a Target Configuration

Daytona provides an option to delete Target Configurations, helping you manage and remove those that are no longer needed. Once a Target Configuration is deleted, you will not be able to manage or deploy Workspaces on that Target Configuration.

  1. Run the following command to delete a Target Configuration:
Terminal window
daytona target-config delete

Upon running this command, Daytona will display a list of your Target Configurations with their details. You will be able to see the Configuration name, the unique identifier of the Workspace, and the repository it is connected to.

  1. Press Enter on the selected Configuration to delete it.
Choose a Target Config To Delete
1 item
  1. Click Yes to confirm deleting the Target Configuration.
Delete all workspaces within MyTarget?
You might not be able to easily remove these workspaces later.
[Yes] [No]
Target Config MyTarget removed successfully

Docker (Local)

Daytona provides an option to create a local Docker Target Configuration to use for deploying and managing Workspaces. The local Docker Target Configuration enables you to deploy Workspaces on your local machine using Docker.

  1. Run the following command to create a Target Configuration:
Terminal window
daytona target-config create
  1. Select Docker to use the local Docker Provider.
Choose a provider
1 item
  1. Enter a name for your Target Configuration.

Target Config Name
  1. Enter the appropriate configuration options when prompted.
Sock Path
> /var/run/docker.sock
  1. Click Enter to confirm setting the Target Configuration.
Target config <target_config_name> created successfully

Docker (Remote)

Daytona provides an option to create a remote Docker Target Configuration to use for deploying and managing Workspaces. The remote Docker Target Configuration enables you to deploy Workspaces on a remote machine using Docker.

  1. Run the following command to create a Target Configuration:
Terminal window
daytona target-config add
  1. Select Docker to use the Docker Provider.
Choose a Provider
1 item
  1. Enter a name for your Target Configuration.
Target Config Name
  1. Enter the appropriate configuration options when prompted.
Remote Hostname
Remote Password
Remote Port
Remote User
Note: non-root user required
Sock Path
> /var/run/docker.sock
Target Data Dir
The directory on the remote host where the target data will be stored
> /tmp/daytona-data
Remote Private Key Path
Showing files in: /home/user/.ssh
You can select a file, choose None or enter a Custom path
> config
> id_rsa
> id_rsa_gitlab
> known_hosts
> known_hosts.old
> Custom path
> None
  1. Click Enter to confirm setting the Target Configuration.
Target Config <target_config> created successfully


Daytona provides an option to create a DigitalOcean Target Configuration to use for deploying and managing Workspaces. The DigitalOcean Target Configuration enables you to deploy Workspaces a remote machine using DigitalOcean.

  1. Run the following command to create a Target Configuration:
Terminal window
daytona target-config create
  1. Select DigitalOcean to use the DigitalOcean Provider.
Choose a provider
1 item

  1. Enter a name for your Target Configuration.
Target Config Name
  1. Enter the appropriate configuration options when prompted.
Auth Token
If empty, token will be fetched from the DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable.
Disk Size
  1. Click Enter to confirm setting the Target Configuration.
Target Config <target_config> created successfully


Daytona provides an option to create an AWS Target Configuration to use for deploying and managing Workspaces.

  1. Run the following command to create a Target Configuration:
Terminal window
daytona target-config create
  1. Select AWS to use the AWS Provider.
Choose a provider
1 item

  1. Enter a name for your Target Configuration.
Target Config Name
  1. Enter the appropriate configuration options when prompted.
Access Key Id
Find this in the AWS Console under "My Security Credentials"
Leave blank if you've set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable, or enter
your Id here.
Device Name
The device name for the volume. This is typically the root device name for specified AMI.
List of device names:
> /dev/sda1
Image Id
The ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to launch an instance. Default is ami-04a81a99f5ec58529.
How to find AMI that meets your needs:
> ami-04a81a99f5ec58529
Instance Type
The type of instance to launch. Default is t2.micro.
List of available instance types:
> t2.micro
The geographic area where AWS resourced are hosted. List of available regions:
Leave blank if you've set the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable, or enter your region here.
> us-east-1
Secret Access Key
Find this in the AWS Console under "My Security Credentials"
Leave blank if you've set the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable, or enter your key here.
Volume Size
The size of the instance volume, in GB. Default is 20 GB.It is recommended that the disk size should be more than 20 GB.
List of volume size limits:
> 20
Volume Type
The type of volume. Default is gp3.
List of available volume types:
  1. Click Enter to confirm creating the Target Configuration.
Target Config <target_config> created successfully


Daytona provides an option to set an Azure Target Configuration to use for deploying and managing Workspaces.

  1. Run the following command to set a Target Configuration:
Terminal window
daytona target-config set
  1. Select Azure to use the Azure Provider.
Choose a provider
1 item

  1. Enter a name for your Target Configuration.
Target Config Name
  1. Enter the appropriate configuration options when prompted.
Client ID
Leave blank if you've set the AZURE_CLIENT_ID environment variable, or enter your Client Id here.
To find the this, look for "appId" in the output after generating client credentials.
Client Secret
Leave blank if you've set the AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable, or enter your Client
Secret here.
To find the this, look for "password" in the output after generating client credentials
Disk Size
The size of the instance volume, in GB. Default is 30 GB. It is recommended that the disk size should be more than 30 GB.
Disk Type
The type of the azure managed disk. Default is StandardSSD_LRS. List of available disk types: of available disk types per location can be retrieved using the command:
az vm list-skus --location <your-region> --output table
Image URN
The identifier of the Azure virtual machine image to launch an instance. Default is Canonical:ubuntu-24_04-lts:server:latest.
List of available images:
The geographic area where Azure resources are hosted. Default is centralus.
List of available regions can be retrieved using the command:
"az account list-locations -o table"
Resource Group
If not set, Daytona will create a "daytona" resource group. How to create resource group:
Subscription ID
Leave blank if you've set the AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment variable, or enter your Subscription Id here.
How to find subscription id:
Tenant ID
Leave blank if you've set the AZURE_TENANT_ID environment variable, or enter your Tenant Id here.
To find the this, look for "tenant" in the output after generating client credentials.
VM Size
Leave blank if you've set the AZURE_TENANT_ID environment variable, or enter your Tenant Id here.
To find the this, look for "tenant" in the output after generating client credentials.
  1. Click Enter to confirm setting the Target Configuration.
Target Config <target_config> created successfully


Daytona provides an option to create a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Target Configuration to use for deploying and managing Workspaces.

  1. Run the following command to set a Target Configuration:
Terminal window
daytona target-config create
  1. Select GCP to use the GCP Provider.
Choose a provider
1 item

  1. Enter a name for your Target Configuration.
Target Config Name
  1. Enter the appropriate configuration options when prompted.
Disk Size
The size of the instance volume, in GB. Default is 20 GB.
Disk Type
The GCP disk type to use for the VM. Default is pd-standard.
List of available disk types can be retrieved using the command:
gcloud compute disk-types list
Machine Type
The GCP machine type to use for the VM. Default is List n1-standard-1.
List of available machine types can be retrieved using the command:
gcloud compute machine-types list
Project ID
The GCP project ID where the resources will be created.
Leave blank if you've set the GCP_PROJECT_ID.
How to locate the project ID:
VM Image
The GCP image to use for the VM.
Default is projects/ubuntu-os-cloud/global/images/family/ubuntu-2204-lts
List of available images can be retrieved using the command:
gcloud compute images list
The GCP zone where the resources will be created. Default is us-central1-a.
List of available zones can be retrieved using the command:
gcloud compute zones list
Credential File
Full path to the GCP service account JSON key file.
Leave blank if you've set the GCP_CREDENTIAL_FILE environment variable.
Ensure that the file is secure and accessible only to authorized users.
  1. Click Enter to confirm setting the Target Configuration.
Target Config <target_config> created successfully


Daytona provides an option to create a Hetzner Target Configuration to use for deploying and managing Workspaces.

  1. Run the following command to set a Target Configuration:
Terminal window
daytona target-config create
  1. Select Hetzner to use the Hetzner Provider.
Choose a provider
1 item

  1. Enter a name for your Target Configuration.
  1. Enter the appropriate configuration options when prompted.
API Token
If empty, token will be fetched from the HETZNER_API_TOKEN environment
Disk Image
The Hetzner image to use for the VM. Default is ubuntu-24.04.
Disk Size
The size of the instance volume, in GB. Default is 20 GB.
The locations where the resources will be created. Default is fsn1.
Server Type
The Hetzner server type to use for the VM. Default is List cpx11.
  1. Click Enter to confirm setting the Target Configuration.
Target Config <target_config> created successfully


Daytona provides an option to create a Fly Target Configuration to use for deploying and managing Workspaces.

  1. Run the following command to set a Target Configuration:
Terminal window
daytona target-config create
  1. Select Fly to use the Fly Provider.
Choose a provider
1 item

  1. Enter a name for your Target Configuration.
Target Config Name
  1. Enter the appropriate configuration options when prompted.
Auth Token
If empty, token will be fetched from the FLY_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable.
Disk Size
The size of the disk in GB.
Org Slug
The organization name to create the fly machine in.
The region where the fly machine resides. If not specified, near region will be used.
The size of the fly machine. Default is shared-cpu-4x.
List of available sizes
  1. Click Enter to confirm setting the Target Configuration.
Target Config <target_config> created successfully